



In particular, if you have restricted mobility and your support staff may be the only person you see on a daily basis and have complicated needs, we at Assisting lives realise how lonely it may be for persons with these needs and the elderly.

According to the people we assist, companionship—someone to get a coffee with and talk about clothes, shopping, and holidays—is just as important as caregiving assistance. Our helpful and kind team can assist. We realise how crucial it is to brighten your day with a smile.Our companion support team can provide the following activities:

the practise of one's hobbies or interests
entering a bank
shopping for food and clothes
assistance in attending a day service
aid with appointments
support for taking public transportation
Walking dogs
attending religious events
attending community events
going for a coffee outside
Attending leisure, sports, or recreational events
a family gathering or other social occasion.
These are but a few examples, and we are confident you may come up with a lot more. We will always customise your support based on your personal interests.